Monday, August 16, 2010

Practicing Medieval Games and Other Challenges

A couple of photographs from the Medieval Games practice this weekend to break the long silence between blog entries.

Jack wasn't just packing that blue banner around like a flag.  That's a lance and we were tilting at the quintain with it.  He got pretty good at being blase when the lance tip would hit the arm of the quintain and make it spin around overhead in true horse-eating style.

MountainHorseGrrl and Phooka also demonstrated how to knock an arrow and fire as they loped past the archery target.  Phooka proved to be a steady partner even when the reins were dropped and riding just off the leg but he wasn't too sure about the sound the arrow made when the nock snapped onto the bow string.

In addition to mounted archery, lopping heads off and tilting at the quintain, there were some "horse obstacles" at the Graham Hill Showgrounds that were fun to coax our horses into navigating.  These included a set of stairs:

And even a teeter-totter: